Each weekday at the hospital begins with a 30 minute chapel service with all the patients, their family, and the hospital staff. I was asked to give my testimony. I used to think a testimony was the story of how a person came to Christ. I've since realized that our testimony is just a declaration about what God is doing and has done in our lives. So now I have a million testimonies because God's constantly growing me. So when I give my testimony now I try to pick one that hits home with what my audience is struggling with. Here's the testimony I gave in Spanish (the English translation is also included):
Me llamo
Ari. Soy de los Estados Unidos. Yo he sabido del Señor por casi toda mi vida,
pero yo conocí al Señor personalmente desde los 15 anos.
Hay una película nueva de mi
pais que es una ilustración perfecta de mi testimonio sobre mi crecimiento en
Cristo. Esta película se llama Congelado
o Frozen. Es la historia de dos hermanas
que eran buenas amigas. La hermana mayor,
Elsa, tiene poderes especiales y puede hacer hielo y nieve de la nada. Una vez,
cuando era una niña, ella golpeo
accidentalmente a su hermana con su magia y casi la mato. Elsa estaba advertida que
pueden salir cosas buenas de su magia, pero si ella no aprendía cómo
controlarla, también pueden salir cosas malas.
Después, ella tuvo mucho miedo de hacer daño a su hermana otra vez. Mientras iba creciendo su vida fue dominada
por el miedo. Cada día ella trataba de
controlar su magia y ser “buena persona.”
La incapacidad de controlar su magia causo en ella el miedo a seguir creciendo. Un día ella perdió el control completamente,
y dominada por el miedo empezó a hacer daño a otros sin darse cuenta. El amor incondicional de su hermana finalmente
derritió el corazón de Elsa, y ella aprendió que era capaz de controlar su
magia por medio del amor. Cuando más trataba de ser buena, mas estaba su vida controlada
por el miedo, y el resultado fue malo.
Pero cuando ella estaba llena de amor para otros, ella era libre y el
resultado era bueno.
Este es mi testimonio. Cuando era niña, yo asistía a una iglesia,
oraba a Dios, leía la Biblia, y creía en el Señor. Pero, incorrectamente yo pensaba que no podía
comprometer mi vida públicamente a Cristo hasta que yo sea lo suficientemente
correcta. Yo luche con toda mi fuerza para ser lo suficientemente buena, pero
descubrí que esto estaba fuera de mi control.
Como Elsa, mi vida estaba controlada por el miedo de meterme en
problemas, perder el respeto y decepcionar a otros. No era libre.
Cuando por fin yo di mi vida públicamente a Cristo en bautismo a los 15
anos, mi vida cambio. Gracias al poder del Espíritu Santo dentro de
mí y por medio de otros cristianos que el señor trajo a mi vida, yo aprendí que
nunca puedo ser “perfecta” por mi misma.
Solamente por medio del poder del Espíritu Santo podemos ser capaces de agradar a Dios, conocer su voluntad,
y desear hacerla. También aprendí que ser
cristiano no se trata acerca de ser bueno.
Se trata acerca de conocer a Dios personalmente. Se trata de conocerlo tan bien que pueda confiar
en El en cada momento de mi vida. Se trata de amarlo tanto que anhelo
obedecerle y hacer su voluntad. Se trata acerca de tener una relación tan
cercana con El que su amor por cada persona que El creo en el mundo se derrame
dentro de mi corazón. Se trata acerca de
mirar e interactuar con gente que no conozco y sentirme emocionada con su amor
por ellos. Y como se dio cuenta Elsa, el
resultado de este amor es la perfección que estaba tratando de hacerlo yo sola
sin éxito.
Yo les comparto mi testimonio porque cada día yo hablo tanto con ustedes que
me dicen a mi la misma cosa: Ustedes saben Jesús. Pero sus vidas están controladas por el miedo. Miedo de enfermedad. Miedo de perder a sus familiares. Miedo de falta de trabajo y comida. Miedo de que no sean lo suficientemente
buenos para Dios. Pero este es mi
testimonio a ustedes. El miedo es lo
opuesto del amor, y la evidencia de conocer verdaderamente a Dios es su
amor. Antes yo vivía una vida controlada
por el miedo, pero hoy día vivo con la libertad de conocer verdaderamente al
Señor y de tener su espíritu santo dentro de mí. “Mas el fruto del Espíritu es amor, gozo,
paz, paciencia, benignidad, bondad, fidelidad, mansedumbre, dominio propio.” Gálatas
Todos los días sigue creciendo
mi confianza en el Señor. Estoy aquí en Perú
en Diospi hoy día porque tengo confianza que el Señor me llamo aquí para amarlos a ustedes. Y tengo confianza que El va a cuidar de todas
mis necesidades. Confío en su promesa de
Mateo 6:33: “Mas bien, busquen primeramente el reino de Dios y su justicia, y
todas estas cosas [por ejemplo, la comida, la ropa, la casa, la salud] les
serán añadidas”. Y nada me da mas gozo
que mirar a cada uno de ustedes acercarse a Dios y confiar también en nuestro
fiel Salvador. Gracias por su atención.
My name is Ari. I’m
from the USA. I’ve known (saber) about
the Lord most of my life, but I’ve known (conocer) the Lord personally since I
was 15.
a movie that recently came out in the US that illustrates perfectly my
testimony about my growth in Christ. The
movie is called Frozen. It’s about two
sisters who had been good friends. The
older sister, Elsa had special powers and could create ice and snow at
will. One time when she was a young
child she accidently struck her sister will her powers and nearly killed
her. She was warned at that time that
much good could come from her powers, but if she didn’t learn to control her
powers, much evil could come from them as well. She became very afraid that she
would hurt her sister again. As she grew
up her life was ruled by fear. She daily
tried to control her powers and be “good”.
Her inability to control her power caused her fear to grow and
grow. Until one day she completely lost
control, and controlled by fear began to hurt others without realizing it. The sacrificial love of her sister finally
melted Elsa’s heart, and she learned that she was able to control her power
through love. Before the harder she
tried to be good, the more her life was controlled by fear, and the product was
evil. But when she was full of love for
others, she was free, and the product was good.
This is
my testimony. When I was young I went to
church, prayed to God, tried to read the Bible and believed in the Lord. But I incorrectly thought I could not publically
commit my life to Christ until I was “good enough.” I tried so hard to be good, but found I was
not in control. Like Elsa my life was
ruled by fear of getting in trouble, losing face, and disappointing others. I was not free. When I finally gave my life to Christ
publicly in baptism at 15 yo my life changed.
Through the power of the Holy Spirit within me and through other
Christians the Lord brought into my life, I learned that I can never be “good
enough” on my own. Only through the
power of the Holy Spirit are we capable of pleasing God, knowing his will, and
desiring to do his will. I also learned
that being a Christian isn’t about being good.
It’s about knowing God personally.
It’s about knowing him so well that I trust him in every aspect of my
life. It’s about loving him so much that
I long to obey him and do his will. It’s
about having such a close relationship with him that His love for every single
person in the world that he personally designed and created overflows into my
heart. It’s about seeing and interacting
with people you don’t know and being overwhelmed with His love for them. And like Elsa realized, the product of this
love is the “good” that I’d been trying unsuccessfully so hard to do on my own.
I share
this testimony with you because every day I talk to so many of you who tell me
the same thing. You know Jesus. But your
lives are controlled by fear. Fear of
disease. Fear of loss of relationships.
Fear of lack of job and food. Fear that you’re not good enough. But this is my
testimony to you. Fear is the
opposite of love, and the evidence of truly knowing God (conocer) is His
love. I used to live a life controlled
by fear, but now I daily live in the freedom of truly knowing the Lord and
having His Holy Spirit within me. “ and
the fruits (i.e. product/evidence) of the spirit are Love, joy, peace, patience,
kindness, goodness, faithfulness and self control.”
Every day I continue grow in my trust of the
Lord. I have left my friends, family,
country, job, culture and home to come serve you here in Peru. I’m here today because I trust that the
Lord’s called me here to love you, and that he will take care of all over my
needs. I trust His promise in Matthew
5:… Seek first the Kingdom of God and all these things (food, clothing,
housing) will be added unto you. And
nothing gives me greater joy than watching each of you learn to trust our
Faithful Savior as well.
[As a footnote, in the Spanish version I use their two different words for "to know". "Saber" which means "to know" as in book knowledge, but without a personal encounter. "Conocer" means to know personally; to "know" because you met them or personally went to a place.]