Friday, August 21, 2015

Ultimate Frisbee

                Thanks for your prayers. I was talking with the leadership of the local church I’m attending.  Our purpose in having ultimate Frisbee every week is so that teens and young adults who don’t currently attend evangelical churches can get to know the church, and then if we invite them to classes and services they are more comfortable and interested in coming.  We had been renting the gym at the Diospi school, but the rules were getting stricter every week: first non marking schools only, then only schools with rubber or white soles that had never been worn outside, and then they because concerned that even the white soles were leaving marks.  After praying over the issue, we decided to rent a turf field because the people we were targeting didn’t have money to buy a pair of shoes to only use once a week to play. 
                We’ve played Frisbee two weeks now in the synthetic grass field and God has really blessed it.  Both weeks we had nearly 40 kids, teens, young adults, and adults come out to play.  And mostly Peruvians.  The first night only 4 of us were foreigners, and the second only 10.  Prayers on wisdom and guidance on inviting those we reach to church.  The church is still very small.  There’s only about 5-10 of us available to take on the various leadership roles.  Miqui is in charge of the young adults. David just took on the Sunday school.  Jemerson, the pastor, is in charge of every time.  Juvenal is in charge of the music ministry.  I’m in charge of the weekly women’s group. Miqui and David are helping me with Frisbee.  There’s no one in charge of the teens yet.  They’re kind of added on to the young adult group or children’s Sunday school depending on their age and maturity.  Many of those coming to Frisbee fall in this teen group.  Please pray that God sends someone to fill this role in the church.

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