Dear Friends and Family,
start with saying that I’m staying for at least two more years. In order to stay I need friends, family, and siblings
in Christ to contribute towards my month support. Please prayerfully consider being part of my financial
support team. If you feel that God is
placing this on your heart, send me an email at for more details.
Spiritual Growth
I think one of the areas
that God has been helping me grow the most recently is the Christian
responsibility of justice (or lack there of).
I think my culture and my impatience with the Peruvian culture has affected
my lack of understanding of God’s desire in this issue.
examples: in Febuary it’s “Carnivales” in Peru and the guys go around getting
the girls wet, even if they don’t want to play.
Even the adult men are involved.
I get angry because to me it’s a male dominated culture making it
acceptable that they can maltreat not only their wives but any women they want
(because the women are never strong enough to win, plus the men just get
angrier if they get wet). The American within
me says, it’s my responsibility as an American to ensure justice for all the
poor oppressed women here. And my mind
goes to the extent of saying, it’s my responsibility as a Christian to give
justice to all of the poor and oppressed in the world. And in my anger I start praying down curses
on the men. A group of men were working
on the house next door one Saturday, and I couldn’t come and go as I pleased
for fear of them getting me and all of my groceries wet. I managed to escape twice—once running and
the other time on my bike. I prayed
every single curse down upon them: I
hope they get sick and don’t earn any money until they repent and change their
ways. I prayed curses on the house, that
they couldn’t continue building, etc.
Maybe God answered my prayers; I never saw that group of men working on
the house ever again. For a time no one
was working on it. Later only one or two
people were working on it.
example: We’ve started renting an
artificial grass field for our Ultimate Frisbee night (I’ll explain more about
this change later). We’ve been renting
it from 7pm until 8:30pm and we pay in advance.
(Which is a plus for the owner because the majority pays afterwards). We are always there at 7Pm sharp. There were various different groups that played
the hour before us. A new group who was
playing soccer arrived late and so ran into our time. It’s a problem because a lot of David’s (one
of my friends who is a math teacher at the Diospi school) students are coming
so the Frisbee runs late. Initially it
was 10 or 15 minutes over. Then one
night they were 20 minutes over. We
talked with them, and they said 10 more minutes. But in 10 minutes they had no interest in
stopping. When we put pressure they said
15 more minutes. The owner was playing
with them, but is a coward and wants everyone happy so that they keep renting
his field, so he didn’t say anything. And
the men think they can do whatever they want because we were mostly teens and
kids. I was so angry that I had to walk
away and leave it to David to sort out.
I was thinking, just wait until you come to the hospital dying and you
can wait 20 minutes, and we’ll see if it makes a difference (the truth is, time
is life with emergencies).
this isn’t from God:
blesses those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they will be
satisfied.” Matt 5:6
sorrow awaits you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees…you ignore the
more important aspects of the law---justice, mercy, and faith.” Matt 23:23
God has set a day for judging the world with justice by the man he has
appointed, and he proved to everyone who this is by raising him from the
dead.” Acts 17:31
“In his
justice God will pay back those who persecute you.” 2 Thess. 2:6
“I have
singled out Abraham so that he will direct his sons and their families to keep
the way of the LORD by doing what is right and just.” Gen 18:19
is what the LORD says: Be fair-minded and just.” Jeremiah 22:3
pay back evil with more evil. Do things
in such a way that everyone can see you are honorable. Do all that you can to live in peace with
everyone. Dear friends, never take
revenge. Leave that to the righteous
anger of God. For the Scriptures say: ‘I
will take revenge; I will pay them back,’ says the LORD. Instead, ‘If your
enemies are hungry, feed them. If they
are thirsty, give them something to drink.
In doing this, you will heap burning coals of shame on their
heads.’ Don’t let evil conquer you, but
conquer evil by doing good.” Romans 12: 17-21.
is the Lord’s. My responsibility is to BE
just and to LOVE my enemy. When I’m
worrying about fighting all the injustice in this world, I feel hatred and not
love for my enemies. The funny thing is
that in writing and in retrospect it sounds obvious. But with the influence of culture and bad
habits it’s taken years for me to grasp this simple concept of what God wants
from me in these circumstances. Pray for
my continued growth in this area. It’s a
lot easier said than done (or felt in my heart).
Actinomicosis. A rare, chronic, pyogenic (pus forming)
granulomatous infection caused by actinomycetes, a group of anaerobic
gram-positive bacteria. The most
frequent features are ulcer and granuloma formation, and the presence of
multiple abscesses and sinus tracts that may discharge sulfure granules. The most common clinical form is cervicofacial,
but thoracic, pelvic and abdominal actinomycoses also occur frequently.
I had
never seen a case before. The only thing
about Actinomicosis I remember from medical school and board questions is that
if the question describes a diabetic with severe infection eating away at the
face into the brain the diagnosis is “Actinomicosis.”
arrived at the hospital at 12:30pm after flying from Lima to Cusco and then
taking a car from Cusco to Curahuasi.
I’d requested 8 new patients because I was the only general doctor in
the afternoon (other than a Peruvian Family Medicine resident). When I arrived I reviewed the clinical
histories in my box. One history had a
note started by Josias, a Peruvian medical student who had been working in the
hospital in the morning. Dr. Martina had
been overseeing the medical students in the morning, but there was about a 2
hour gap between when she had to leave and when I arrived. Laura, one of the German medical students
explained what their diagnosis and plan they had decided for the patient…but I
remembered the patient…
was a 31 year man from a rural village that had presented to the hospital a
month prior with right lower quadrant
abdominal pain (the area suspicious for appendicitis). He had been seen by Loures,the Peruvian
Emergency Medicine third year resident that was working with us for a
month. The ultrasound of his abdomen
showed only hydronephrosis of his right kidney (dilation of the kidney because
something is blocking the urine from passing down to his bladder). His CRP (a blood marker of acute inflammation)
was 270 and his white blood cell count (another sign of inflammation) was
elevated. The resident didn’t realize
that we can give discounts if patients can’t afford tests or treatments that
they need. So without consulting anyone,
the resident sent the patient home to come back the next day with enough money
for the CT scan of his abdomen. He
didn’t come back.
resident presented his case the next morning in the morning report and of
course everyone was upset and concerned that Luis had been sent away. But we felt a little better knowing that he’d
had the pain for 2 months and he didn’t look that sick. Even when he finally came back a month later
he still didn’t look that sick. But he
had peritoneal signs on his physical exam (when the abdominal muscles tensen
involuntarily suggesting that there is severe inflammation and infection within
the abdominal cavity). I remembered his
case the second I saw his history. Because
to the students he didn’t look that sick and his pain had been going on for 3
months, they wanted to send him back home to bring back the CT that he said he’d
had done in Cusco and he’d forgotten to bring with him (turns out it was an
IVP, a contrast study looking at the flow of urine from the kidney to evaluate
an obstruction).
I admitted
him. His ultrasound still only showed
hydronefrosis (Dr. David, our new
urologist, placed a stent—a tube to allow the urine to pass through the ureter
where there was the obstruction) and no appendicitis. CRP was 280.
WBC 80% with 80% neutraphils. Dr.
Annette, the surgeon, thought that clinically it looked like a blastron. Here the people delay in operating their
appendicitis, so the body walls off the abscess to prevent the infection from
spreading through the body, and it is called a blastron. This would explain how he didn’t look so sick
with CRP 280. Here is his CT that we performed:
So Dr.
Annette took him to the OR. Only to her
surprise to find not a blastron but that all of the intestines were matted
together in a ball of pus and inflammation (and this mass of infection was
compressing the right ureter so that the urine couldn’t pass, causing the
hydronephrosis on the right). There was
no way to operate without taking out all of the intestines and Luis couldn’t
live without intestines. So Annette took
several biopsies and shut him up.
Annette’s and Martina’s thoughts were that it could be intestinal
tuberculosis (which is common here) or typhoid perforation (which isn’t very
common here in comparison to Niger where I’d done a one month surgical rotation).
One test for TB (an ADA) was done in our
lab with one biopsy and was negative.
The test for typhoid was negative in the blood. So continuing Ceftriaxone and Metronidazole,
we waited for the pathology to come back from Lima. Two weeks later it came back with the
diagnosis of Actinomicosis peritoneal.
changed the antibiotics to Ampicilin (which is more specific for Actinomicosis)
until he was completely clinically better.
Finally his pain went away and his intestines were functioning
well. We sent him home with 4 weeks of
Amoxicillin and an appointment in 4 weeks.
This picture was taking the day before he went home.
Because David is a primary
school teacher, he obviously has a heart for kids. In the IEP church I’m serving in we were
dividing up the ministries and David volunteered to take of the Sunday School
program, that had not previously been much of a priority. Since this time I’ve been helping him teach
and assign teachers. The church still
lacks a lot of leaders with a good biblical foundation. So we’re teaching every two or three weeks
right now. Please pray for
the church is one room, so we were borrowing the patio of a different building
Sundays for class. But the space has now
been rented and we’re looking for another space to use. Please pray for that. A couple of weeks ago we finally bought
tables for the kids.
I’ve run almost every day
since I was 16. When I started running I
ran with my dad. And I ran with him
until I went away to college. Since that
time I never had a consistent running partner until now. Initially David was just accompanying me on
the weekends, but for the last couple of months David has been running with me every
morning. We run about 20 minutes out of
town to a peaceful field on the mountain side where we pray together. It’s so interesting here. We are on the mountain side in the Andes, overlooking
the valley where the Apurimac River flows.
Even though we live in the elevation, often times a flock of wild green
parrots fly by. The other day when we
looked up from praying, there was a bull looking at us, wondering what we were
doing there. :)
Rosmerry and Dennis
Rossmery and Dennis are now
some of my dearest friends. I continue
to study with them most Sunday evenings.
David often comes with me now
(thanks God that he finally found a good bike that he can make the 30 minute
uphill trek with), and either spends time with their boys Nando and Jose or
with Rossmery’s significant other, Rafael.
For couples to be unmarried here is very common because of many reasons. One of which is that the wedding is expensive
and complicated here. They’ve been
together more than eight years, but the relationship is still very
unstable. Rafael professes to be a
Christian but is a very immature Christian.
Often times I’m not sure if he knows what he wants from life yet. But most recently David been getting to know
Rafael better and they’re playing soccer together Friday nights. I think God’s placed David specifically in
the life of Rafael for a reason, because the majority of Rafael’s friends drink,
gamble and party. Please pray for our
growing friendship together (us four).
Pray for my friendship with Rossmery and Dennis.
for Nando and Jose. They will enter
first grade in March (the school year ends in December here). They’ve both applied for scholarships to
enter the Diospi School the next year.
There are several cost and transportation issues. Please pray that God resolves these
issues. David and I have already offered
to pay their scholarships if they qualify.
(The Diospi School is funded by donations and by the tuition of students
whose parents can pay. The foreigners
work for free, but the Peruvians workers earn minimal wage. The scholarships are paid by individuals in
other countries that want to sponsor a kid so that they can study. It’s about $40 a month).
Ultimate Frisbee
We MOVED! Because the “shoe rule” in the Diospi school
gym (only white or rubber colored soles on shoes only used inside, and never
outside) we found that few people wanted to invest in shoes to play a game that
they didn’t know. And the majority of
those we were targeting didn’t have money to buy anything extra (students and
recent grads). There’s a strong culture
here for young people to send the extra money they earn home to help support
their parents and siblings who still live at home or are studying.
So we
now rent a Turf soccer field to play.
Before moving our numbers were between 10 and 25 (with at least half
foreigners). Since moving our numbers
are between 35 and 50 (with only between 2 and 8 foreigners). The last three weeks we’ve pause for a moment
for David or Miqui to share a devotional thought. This last week Miqui invited the kids,
adolescents and young adults to the young adult service Saturday night. The majority of those playing Frisbee either
don’t attend a church or are “Catholic.”
Please pray for Saturday nights.
If all 35+ come, only by the power of God can we connect with each one
and help them feel part of the family of God here.
Thanks again for all your prayers. May the Lord continue to richly bless you.
In Him,
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